Support Us

Did you know?

  • In the UK’s poorest communities one person in three has literacy problems
  • One disadvantaged child in eight does not have a book of their own at home
  • One child in three leaves primary school unable to read to the level expected.

As a charity, any support that you can give us makes the absolute world of difference.


Donations are held by the World Literacy Foundation on our behalf (registered charity 1154264). They will be solely used on our social mission to educate parents and broadcasters on the power of subtitles. 

£5000 will fund a country wide comms campaign to every primary school in England, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland to remind teachers to turn on the subtitles in school and help spread the message to their pupil’s parents.

£10 will fund stickers or bookmarks for a school to help encourage children to tell their parents about the campaign

£100 will fund a banner for us to loan to schools to put up outside their school gates to tell parents about the power of subtitles

If your company is interested in supporting us on a larger scale and sponsoring some of the work that we do, please get in touch at:

“Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope.” – Kofi Annan

The Turn On The Subtitles campaign is proudly supported by the following organisations.   We want to take a moment to say a huge ‘thank you’ and know that we couldn’t do this without you.